The Junior Bar

The Junior Bar comprises of all Attorneys-at-Law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka who are members of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka and are yet to complete 10 years in practice. At present there are approximately 7,000 members of the Junior Bar who are professionally engaged in various spheres of the practice of law.

The Junior Bar Committee of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka is the Standing Committee of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka which has been specifically given the mandate of “uplifting the standards of the legal profession vis-a-vis the junior practitioner.” In order to carry out this mandate the Junior Bar Committee carries out a range of activities throughout the year, which include, organising the Junior National Law Conference; the publication of The Junior Bar Law Journal – the official publication of the Junior Bar Committee; organizing seminars of interest for junior lawyers; organizing “outreach” programs for junior lawyers from outstation Bar Associations; and creating opportunities for junior lawyers to interact with each other.