Junior Bar of BASL

 Uplifting the standards of the legal profession
vis-a-vis the junior practitioner.

Junior National Law Conference

This decade commenced with murmured concerns about the COIVD 19 virus in a remote corner of the world which within few months transcended into a pandemic, directly affecting populations across the globe. This pandemic has not been a mere global health crisis but has over months transformed the social, economic and financial landscape of the world. The new challenges the world has encountered this year has been a testament to the dynamic pace of volatility and change this decade brings, with unprecedented challenges demanding swift and revolutionary change. The legal profession and practice has not been able escape the challenges of transformation and adaption which the current times have brought and has been required to keep pace as a central force in this economic and social revolution.

It is with view of preparing the Junior Members of the Bar to better face these contemporary challenges, that the Junior National Law Conference is being organised under the theme ‘A Changing Perspective’. This theme intends to encapsulate the evolving nature of the law, the profession and legal services in this decade. The conference and the Journal will seek to create dialogue among lawyers in addressing contemporaneous substantive and procedural legal issues in an evolving environment.

JNLC '19 Partners